I've been wanting to write a blog for years. I even started one and made it all pretty and then quit. I'm too busy I decided. Which is just me being lazy really. This blog is about weight loss, being a new mom, and the crazy combo of both. I feel like if I write everything out, I won't be such a nutcase.
I just RESTARTED WeightWatchers, because im just WAY over being fat, as my pun-y title suggests. Clever, right? baha Ok corny is more like it. I lost about 50 lbs on WW 2 years ago and then I got pregnant, which was the plan so I'm not sad about that. The first pregnancy I miscarried early on, which made me very devastated and I gained about 30 lbs. in like 3 months. Then I got pregnant again and this time it took! I gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy. I lost 40 right away and then gained back 20. So i joined WW and lost 20 in a month. And then gained it back again. I am the new Oprah. So I'm back again and I'm so freaking over it.
A little about me. I'm 27, a wife, a momma, and a teacher. Thank God for summers off. Up until now, I've taught reading. Now I finally have a classroom OF MY OWN. So next year I'll be teaching 5th graders. I'm stoked. I've had most of the kids in my reading programs so I don't feel SO overwhelmed. So this is even more reason for me to shed the pounds. I have all these kids looking up to me and I want them to make healthy choices and feel proud of themselves. Oh and I also don't want to hear them calling me fatass behind my back.
All that being said, I realize what grammar is not always going to be correct and commas and capitalization will be missing. I'm only human. And generally a lazy one at that.
So here it is. The time is now. And all that other bullshit.
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